Samco Sport® is proud to announce our brand-new website!
Following the completion and successful roll out of our Parent Company website, was the next on the list for the Marketing Team and in great need of an overhaul.
The task at hand was no mean feat. The old website had served us well, but the absence of any physical product listings or images meant to user experience could be improved and journey to purchase made easier. This new platform is built with the end user and SEO performance in mind.
With over 4000 products available in 20 different colours, the first task was to collate all of our product data into a format that could be used by the website. Having previously provided customers with PDF’s, this task has now allowed us to perfect our processes to better support our customers and allow them to update and upload their Samco Sport® inventory with ease.

The updated “Mobile First” look and feel is now in-keeping with our online activity across the board. Our #TeamSamco blog is a big improvement on the old platform and we look forward to providing up to date content from the world of Samco Sport® and our partners. The ability to show our social feed on the front page is something we always wanted to have on the old website but were unable to implement. With a company focus on digital content for 2021 and beyond, this addition will allow us to showcase our activity in a way we were unable to before.
Perhaps the biggest improvement of all is the addition of product images. This now allows our customers (both consumer and distributor) to view the products and be confident that what they are searching for is right for their application. Another functionality we are particularly pleased with is the ability to display our trusted distributors by geolocation.

Perhaps the biggest improvement of all is the addition of product images. This now allows our customers (both consumer and distributor) to view the products and be confident that what they are searching for is right for their application. Another functionality we are particularly pleased with is the ability to display our trusted distributors by geolocation.
Having built this new website in-house, we now have the ability to be dynamic with our content, design and functionality. With a whole host of future plans and upgrades in mind, the addition of a merch shop providing a range of #TeamSamco merchandise is something we are keen to launch and we will be working on this over the coming months.
All the best!
The Team at Samco Sport®